Viruses are also proteins

A hand holding a thermometer showing 38.5 celsius, in front of a woman lying in bed under a blanket.

Viruses Have Been, Are, and Will Likely Always Be Around

You probably know what it feels like to be stuck in bed with a 39°C fever, waiting for the fever reducer to kick in, hoping the steamroller finally rolls off your head. You have no appetite, you’re lying down all day, downing vitamin C and tea. Meanwhile, you barely have the strength to get to the bathroom, and when you look in the mirror, a cave troll is staring back at you. By day three, you’re praying for some relief. Then, the coughing and nose-blowing start.

In the past two years, searches for immune boosters and antiviral remedies on Google have likely skyrocketed. It’s no surprise—we instinctively want to do something to maintain or regain our health.

During the Covid era, many of us probably stocked up on vitamins C and D, various herbs with supposed antiviral properties, and of course, toilet paper.

The Most Effective Defense Against Viruses Is a Well-functioning, Innate Immune System

But what makes a strong immune system? Several factors come into play, but providing your body with the right nutrients is absolutely crucial—it’s what your body builds on. This is essential in peaceful times, and even more so when your body is under attack. Sure, we could also mention regular exercise, avoiding stress, and the fact that getting enough rest can do wonders for your recovery.

One of the Most Important Nutrients: Protein

What do you think our muscles, bones, hormones, hair, nails, and skin are made of? That’s right, they’re made of protein. But did you know that proteins are made up of amino acids? We primarily get these amino acids by consuming and digesting protein-rich foods—like meat, fish, eggs, dairy, and certain plants—which our body then uses to build various cells.

So, If That's the Case, Could Amino Acids Play a Role in the Immune System? Let’s clarify right away: amino acids don’t have antiviral or anti-Covid properties on their own. However, T cells do actively fight off viruses—hence the term T-cell immunity. And what are T cells made of? Like millions of other cells in our body, they’re built from amino acids.

There are many amino acids, but eight of them are essential, meaning we can only get them through our diet. That’s why they’re called "essential" amino acids.

A young woman sitting at a desk in an office environment, with one hand on her head seemingly in pain

Let’s Look at a Specific Experience

We received the following feedback via email from an Amino Primo user, which we’re sharing here without any changes:

“This was my second time getting Covid, and compared to those around me, my symptoms were mild. I’ve had two vaccines, no underlying health conditions, and I live a fairly active lifestyle even in my 40s. During the illness, I took amino acids in higher doses because I felt I needed the extra nutrients. While many of my friends complained of extreme fatigue, I didn’t experience that. My symptoms were more like mild to moderate cold symptoms, and I only lost my sense of taste and smell for 2-3 days. I believe it was the amino acids that kept me from feeling weak and helped me recover faster.”

How Can We Fight Off Illnesses?

As we've mentioned, it’s crucial that our body gets everything it needs. When the immune system kicks into action, we need to provide it with the necessary ingredients for it to function properly. In times of illness, the body has to produce more defense mechanisms, as it’s essentially in a state of war. One of these defense systems is the production of specialized cells called antibodies. These antibodies recognize and neutralize foreign invaders, like bacteria and viruses, during an infection. But what determines how many antibodies we can produce? A good starting point is ensuring the body has the building blocks to create them.

Have you ever lost your appetite during an illness? When we eat less, we naturally get fewer nutrients, but this is precisely when our body needs more, as it’s under greater stress. So, what happens in this situation? The body must still provide the immune system with the necessary materials, as that is the top priority. If it doesn’t get these nutrients from food, it will have to pull them from elsewhere—like the muscles. This can lead to weakness or fatigue, especially if it goes on for an extended period.

That’s Why It’s Worth Paying Attention to What We Eat

They say, "You are what you eat." When you're young, no one really cares about that. But as time goes on, some people start thinking about it. Eventually, more and more people pay attention to their diet because they realize how much their nutrient intake affects their life.

Make sure to focus on a balanced diet, listen to your body’s signals, and make changes where needed to achieve your desired results.

“We believe that it’s never too late to change and make a difference.”

See how amino acids can benefit you—try Amino Primo!